Community Action Committee on the Prevention of Bullying
To establish, develop, and implement a long-term community strategy to address Bullying in the Labrador Straits Region. The purpose of this committee is to facilitate community and intersectoral involvement in the identification of the needs associated with this issue and the planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies to meet these needs.
It is acknowledged that Bullying is an ongoing issue that is affecting our communities in the Labrador Straits Region. While often seen as an issue apparent in youth and the school environment, we acknowledge that bullying is a form of violent behavior that is learned, systemic and entrenched in social values and norms within our communities. We intend to take a holistic approach understanding no single entity- whether that's family, schools, community, or governments can solve this problem alone. Solutions must be found together, and it will be an ongoing long-term commitment to find solutions and achieve goals.
Definition of Bullying
A conscious, willful, deliberate and repeated hostile activity marked by an imbalance of power, intent to harm, and/or a threat of aggression.

Bullying can take different forms, including but not limited to:
  • Verbal: taunts, name-calling and put-downs, threats and intimidation
  • Social: exclusion from peer groups, ganging up, ridiculing, extortion or stealing of money and possessions
  • Physical: assault and sexual assault
  • Cyber: using the computer or other technology to harass or threaten
  • Homophobic Bullying: behaviors that are motivated by prejudice against a person's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • To involve all stakeholders in community identified as having an interest in preventing bullying.
  • To establish a collaborative, coordinated community model using Prevention of Family Violence and Bullying Community Action Guide.
  • To identify and build on existing community services, supports and interventions as well as identifying gaps.
  • To help build community capacity.
  • To increase partnerships of individuals, groups and organizations which influence the health of the community.
  • To provide a communication link between services.
  • To assist with the planning, implementation and evaluation of strategies to meet the identified needs.
The Committee should include stakeholders from the following four categories:
  • People directly affected by bullying
  • People whose work brings them in contact with bullying or impacts of bullying
  • People who can contribute something to community action on bullying. Contributions could include, for example, time, expertise and experience, publicity, facilities, equipment, money, influence, services and support

People who must approve some aspects of actions to prevent bullying
  • Examples include; police, victim services, crown prosecuters, probation, correctional services
  • Emergency Shelters; agencies specifically set up to assist people impacted by family violence
  • Health representatives: health promotion, injury prevention, public health, mental health, health practitioners
  • CYFS
  • Schools
  • Community Based Organizations: family service agencies, counseling services, youth services
  • Municipalities
  • Parent Programs
  • Aboriginal Services
  • Faith Based organizations
  • Addictions Services
  • Youth, Elders, Interested citizens
  • Business

Roles of members:

  • Represent and advocate on behalf of the community
  • Prioritize community needs and identify strategies to address those need
  • Help establish partnerships within the community
  • Share pertinent information with the community
  • Participate in community development activities
  • Develop personal knowledge and skills
  • Regularly attend meetings of the committee and support the committee in its activities
  • Communicate to the Leadperson if she/he wishes to be excused attendance at a meeting
Committtee Structure and Meetings
Committee Structure:

  • CYN is the Lead organization. The Lead will operate in a Lead role for organizational purposes. (ie; Leading meeting, calling meetings, correspondence on behalf of the committee, etc.)
  • Rotating Secretary responsible for taking minutes and distributing within one week of meeting.
  • Subcommittees may be formed to address and manage specific tasks of the committee or to work on a specific activity.
  • All external communication relating to committee business, outside the committee will only be made with the approval of the whole committee (if not possible, consensus).
  • Membership will be reviewed annually.

A minimum of six meetings will be held a year. A quorum is not needed for meetings.
Code of Conduct
The Community Action Committee (CAC) on the Prevention of Bullying has adopted a Code of Conduct from the "Connect Housing" not-for-profit. In recognition of the contribution made by voluntary members, this Code has been developed to support the maintenance of high standards of conduct, assist members in their work for the CAC and to protect the best interests of the CAC.

Throughout the Code of Conduct, the term "CAC" is used to refer to both members and members of Committees established by the CAC.

View the CAC Code of Conduct.
A Positive Place for Youth

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